Slanjayvah Danza

Slanjayvah Danza
Slanjayvah Danza is a Dance Theatre Company, formed in 2004 producing professional, youth and community dance/mixed art form works, as well as providing educational dance workshops for all age groups and learning abilities. With a growing reputation for closing the gap between performers and the audience. The choreographies of Jenni Wren and Slanjayvah Danza are layered into complex reflections of the human psyche. The work is peppered with diverse alternative artistic practices, complementary to dance, that help to convey narratives that any audience can relate to. The Company believes that diversity and eclecticism are key to produing unique and innovative work, for example; the fusion of a variety of dance styles such as Contemporary, Contact, Flamenco and Tango, employs tools and skills beyond those of an average Dancer.

Crazy Joanna [excerpt]

Following on from “Blind Passion”, Jenni Wren created “Crazy Joanna” in collaboration with film director Aurora Fearnley, as the second part of her trilogy “Mode: Sensation/Thought”.  

Crazy Joanna” explores the darker side of passion. A celebration of survivors of domestic abuse, “Crazy Joanna” is a hard hitting, socially conscientious dance and film integrated work, recounting the anguished escape of a woman trapped in abusive relationships and has been dubbed “the most significant work to be seen this year”.

At Cloud Dance Festival: Hush Jenni Wren presents an adapted, dance only, version of the 2nd of 3 scenarios that Joanna lives through, as a snippet of the full 36 minute work.  

Section 2:  Played out in the back streets of Buenos Aires, in the brothels and bordellos, trapped in a situation selling her body, Joanna falls in love with the son of a wealthy porteno who frequently visits her at work.  Thinking she has found her golden ticket out she discovers his betrayal as he realises he can use any of the brothel girls to fulfil his needs.  His own guilt is reflected in his maltreatment of Joanna.

Choreography:  Jenni Wren in collaboration with Dancers
Dancers:  Dani Ferreira, Amir Giles, Jenni Wren
Lighting Design/Technical Manager:  Mark Baker

Photos copyright Brian Slater.

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