Slanjayvah Danza

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Slanjayvah Danza Slanjayvah Danza is a Dance Theatre Company, formed in 2004 producing professional, youth and community dance/mixed art form works, as well as providing educational dance workshops for all age groups and learning abilities. With a growing reputation for closing the gap between performers and the audience. The choreographies of Jenni Wren and Slanjayvah Danza are layered into complex reflections of the human psyche. The work is peppered with diverse alternative artistic practices, complementary to dance, that help to convey narratives that any audience can relate to. The Company believes that diversity and eclecticism are key to produing unique and innovative work, for example; the fusion of a variety of dance styles such as Contemporary, Contact, Flamenco and Tango, employs tools and skills beyond those of an average Dancer.


Blind Passion - Live Cut

“Passion cannot be described, only experienced.” With the use of blindfolds, intricate contact work sprinkled with Tango influences, this duet reveals and explosion of seductive delights. The dancers and choreography move smoothly, each section subtly becoming more revealing and dynamic, challenging the audience with intrigue and question.

Choreographer: Jenni Wren
Dancers: Jenni Wren and Riccardo Meneghini


Reviews of Blind Passion from CDF: Parade:

"Jenni Wren is a master of contact work, and her blindfolded, almost entirely naked duo with Phil Sanger is breathtakingly vulnerable. The blindfolds bring a hesitation to their movements that makes their mutual trust and physical daring all the more fascinating - probably the most entrancing act of seduction and union to be seen in dance at the moment." - Laura Cappelle

"It's HOT, but not in any sordid or smutty way. It's an impressively fresh piece and I'm sure will be in the rep for a long time - it certainly deserves to be seen by many more." - Bruce Marriott, Ballet Magazine

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