SuperB Dance Theatre

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superB Dance Theatre superB Dance Theatre was founded by choreographer WooJung Kim in 2009. After her training in London Studio Centre for theatre and contemporary dance, she progressed onto MA course, majoring in choreography at Middlesex University. Her concerns with human life aspects are reflected on her works, mainly using both characters and movements. Through the characters, which are usually adopted from fictions, real stories or own experiences, she finds connections between acting and movement.

In between us

Despite our place is getting more crowded, people’s life is becoming lonelier than before. Could not trust anybody or protect oneself too much from other people, this seems to be the world that one individual is living in, no communications needed with anyone else. The idea of this piece is about this situation around us. Between you, and me it has something like an invisible boundary, it may be from you or me, or even both. Is it safe? Are you comfortable inside your zone or do you want to step out?

Choreographer: WooJung Kim
Dancers: Britta Barthel, Lauren Bridle, HaYeon Lee, Jessica Williams